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For Sale By
Date Posted
Dan Semko
Mon February 18, 2008
Asking Price
Best Offer

Shelby American/Superformance CSX 4148 Autographed Glove Box Door:
A Once in a Lifetime Historical Perspective.
For the cobraphile there’s nothing more important than the memorabilia that contributed to the development and current progression of Shelby cobras. Offered for auction is the original glove box door from CSX 4148, initially owned by the infamous Turk Ercen, the founder of The Gasholes and the one person instrumental in the alliance between Carroll Shelby and Jim Price, creator and owner of Hi Tech/Superformance replicas.
In June of 2003 when the cobra enthusiasm was at a feverish pitch and the disparity between the replica manufacturers and Shelby American was at its greatest, a summer event brought the most diehard enthusiasts together at the DV Spring Fling in London, Ohio. Turk and many of the west coast contingencies as well as enthusiasts from around the world, including Jim Price and Ronnie Kruger from South Africa’s Hi Tech and Bob Marsh with others from Las Vegas’ Shelby American, were gathered together enjoying cobras, the car made famous by Carroll Shelby. During several late night parking lot gatherings, the differences were openly aired, debated and “heatedly” discussed with copious imbibitions that will never be replicated. During one late night meeting, Jim Price humorously autographed CSX 4148, which subliminally offered a sign of open reconciliation to Shelby and the Superformance upper echelon, an opportunity that Turk seized and later developed. Later in 2003, after several personal meetings with Carroll Shelby, Turk established a palatable, round table discussion venue that was instrumental in the subsequent peaceful resolution of the long, laborious and expensive legal battle between Jim Price and Carroll Shelby.
Offered for auction is the unique glove box door that brought Jim Price, Carroll Shelby representatives, Superformance dealers, the newly established “Gasholes” and cobra enthusiasts in one historical and memorable location. There is only 1 such autographed Gashole, Jim Price, CSX 4148 continuation series glove box door in existence and this is it!
High bidders please contact: sudans2@insightbb.com
Shelby/Superformance Autographed Glove Box Door
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