For Sale By
Date Posted
Wed June 6, 2012
Asking Price
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I have a full set of Autometer Sportcomp II guages. They have been on my car for 2200 miles and work fine. I have always felt that was the only bad choice I made on my car as I just like the look of original style guages better. The choice of going electronic instead of mechanical has proved to have been the right choice but i was just never satisfied with the look. If anyone is interested in trading and your set is mechanical, then I would need all the senders and hookups and will include all of mine.
I know there will be a limited response to this as most people stick with the choice they made, but I thought I would just throw it out there. I am really not interested in selling my guages outright as I would then have to go hunting for new guages and likely not be in my budget. I have always found that trades in this kind of circumstance is better as both parties are getting exactly what they want without having to spend a lot of additional cash.
Guages Autometer
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