For Sale By
Date Posted
Tue February 4, 2014
Asking Price

An Owner’s Manual for the new Superformance MKII Street (Slabside) is now available. This MKII Owner’s Manual package is offered electronically on a 4 Gig Superformance Logo’d Flash Memory Card in Adobe format and comes complete with a printable Hi-resolution Owner’s Manual - 45 pages (Personalized for each chassis number), a Owners/Chassis Addendum - 10 pages (An owner annotated electronic file to record the manufacturer names and part numbers used to complete the drive train installation of their chassis), a complete Wiring Diagram and Service Bulletins to assist in the final assembly of the chassis. (Additional Service Bulletins will be forwarded as they are completed.) Additional storage space is provided on the Flash Memory Card for the owner to add scans of part receipts, assembly photographs and their service notes.
Send an email to SPFWiringDiagrams@Comcast.net or contact Dave at Hillbank for information and pricing on the MKII Street manual.
MKII Owner's_Manual Slabside Superformance
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