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I hate duplicate threads...but I don't see this as a duplicate since it presents the question in a vacuum, and not tied to just the Ft. Hood incident.
Personally, I don't want any Gay Japanese Muslim Mormons in the military. If they haven't committed suicide before they joined, then they are really phuked up.
Honestly...we just need to keep phuked up people out of the military. If the screening process ain't working, then we need to fix it. Seems to me we've lowered the standards a bit due to the all-volunteer nature of our forces...gang members, etc. are slipping through. I prefer a draft if we're going to maintain the level of forces we need in order to keep sticking our noses in everyone else's problems, but that's just me.
BTW, people who live on islands scare the sh!t out of me...they tend to walk in circles.