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Old 11-10-2009, 07:48 PM
elmariachi elmariachi is offline
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All good and timely questions:

Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
Does the reality of war against other Muslims or Muslim nations present an irreconcilable conflict,
Yes to the power of 10.

Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
Should the military go to extra lengths to confirm the loyalty of currently-serving Muslim soldiers, or would that be unnecessary, reactionary and discriminatory?
F*&^% discrimination. This ain't Home Depot, its our military and it should not be staffed with an equal rights mandate. It has a sole purpose and we have 233+ years of painful and expensive experience to prove what works and what doesn't. The level of scrutiny for an individual to pursue a career in the military should be the single toughest set of job credentials in this land. But EVERYONE should have to serve. When you graduate from high school you should either have to give two years of mandatory enlisted service or be in an officers training program in college (ROTC, Service Academy etc). Through that we could keep all the good ones we need to be fully-staffed who want a career and say "Thanks for your two years but you ain't got what we need, so get lost" to the rest. Oh, and the bi-product of that would be a much more patriotic and ready-to-work society, instead of all the free-loading wharf rats we got smoking crack and sucking on the FEMA/Welfare/Social Security nipples now.

Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
If it is agreed that "normal" Muslims are no more or less prone to acts of treason than any other group, then what about the radicals?
What is a normal Muslim? Any faith can produce a radical (Jim Jones and David Koresh for example.) But only the Muslim faith sponsors martyrdom, blatantly harbors extremists and terrorists, assumes control of governments and their militaries and undertakes acts of aggression against other countries "in the name of God." How many Christians have hijacked airlines lately in the name of Jesus Christ?

But alas, its all nothing more than wishful thinking......
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