Originally Posted by elmariachi
Just my opinion....but the quality of 18 year-olds being produced by this country today pales miserably in comparison to 1945-1960. The majority of young men were strong, motivated, ethical, hard-working, patriotic God-fearing heterosexuals. Such is not the case today in our "All volunteer" military.
From what I have seen the past few years that is a pretty accurate assessment of what is happening. Can't fail a student for not passing a grade, can't even make them attend classes in this district as it is a violation of their rights. I really don't think that any person looking at the high school grads today could honestly say they are as well educated and intelligent as the ones from years back who worked hard to get an education while now they have the idea they should just sit back and have everything given to them.
Sorry Buzz, not trying to hijack your thread .