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I don't know about your area, but we have two alarm companies here that are good and I mostly designed how I wanted mine from the way we had them set up in our computer buildings and then went to the best company here and asked them if they would install it the way I wanted. They did so and instead of leasing the system I bought it and pay them a fee to monitor it 24/7. I just had it upgraded about a month ago and am thinking of adding a couple of more features that won't be known about by the locals. What I like about the company I use is they have their headquarters here and not in Denver or some far away place, so they can contact the police and have them at a place as fast as they have a unit to respond. But with the cut backs, even that is getting to be a problem. Also lately after our last meeting with the city and police they try to have a patrol car drive by here at least once a night around 1 AM. That has cut down on the people prowling the streets a lot.
The best news is they are going to build a new police station and it is just across the alley from my property and within about 300 feet of that place. And we are getting some new deputies that aren't in the old bunch which is being transferred to other places as they try to keep as many as they can working.