In the condition that Ikestaa stated in his post, yes, that is the price. Want one, come down to NJ, and I'll take you for a ride within a 100 mile radius to show you several forsale in that general price range. Some with, some without the original engine installed. What most sellers do is take a concourse or Top Flight Bloomington Gold car, that sells for say $40,000-$45,000, then says, "well, my car only needs a little bit of this and that", and deducts $5,000-$10,000 off that price, not realizing that it will take at least $20,000-$30,000 to get their car in to the true condition that the $40,000-$45,000 car sold for. Doubt what I say, check with "ProTeam Corvette Sales" in Ohio, or the classic Corvette dept at FC Kerbec & Sons here in NJ....Both have sold Top Flight 57's in the range listed above, both are proffesional dealers......All within the last 3-6 months.......In this case, I do not have a buyer, nor do I wish to purchase the car myself, making for a truly unbiased opinion on the cars actual "current market value".
Bill S.
Originally posted by bnewell
I wish I could find a 57 in the low to mid 20's, I'd buy a dozen or so of them!!