Originally Posted by sfe1234
Why is it that people are facsinated with what we will "get" for CSX2568? Yes, the whole world watched as we bought the car for $440,000. The whole world watches a lot of things selling for one price and being worth another. Most of the time its reverse, (people pay too much) but in this case, based on unbiased real opinions from REAL Cobra experts(as opposed to replica"wannabe" people), yes, the car was a gift at Barrett Jackson. So if you all pool your money, maybe you can buy it and share it on weekends. Someone is going to get one beautiful Cobra! By the way, its always nice to actually LOOK at a car before making ignorant comments on websites like this. Good luck to all of you, Owner, CSX2568
Wow! Until I read this reply I was going write that seeing that price for CSX2568 made me feel somewhat insignificant,even though my hand built pride and joy has given me more joy than most anything I have ever owned.Now I will say,too bad more people cannot extract the same pleasure from these beautiful cars.These cars are a lot more than just dollars and cents to a lot of us.Since the 60's when I first laid eyes on one of these beasts,I have lusted over driving one.Now after building, tweaking,racing,and more important meeting a lot of great people,the experience is something those of you with need for more money,will probably never enjoy.