Originally Posted by Buzz
*The line of perspective along the tops of their heads - even allowing for height differences is way out of whack with the line drawn through any other reference points - like the tops of the chairs or the stripes on the flag, for example. Those two reference lines parallel each other quite well, incidentally.
*Look directly behind Obama's hip in the photograph. You will see the bracing behind the flag holding it up. There is grey sky showing through the lower part of the framework. You should actually be seeing the background grass in that area.
*There is a planter in the video directly in front of Hillary that should be at least partially visible in the photo if she was in the same position.
I agree with the part about the support. BTW, those are hay bales behind the stage. But, if faked, that is a huge error, one that could easily have been avoided. However, it is possible that the extra row of hay bales stopped at the flag on both sides, and I am leaning more towards that explanation. I do not understand what you are getting at with regards to the planter... please expand on that.
I too was struck by the wierd angles. I did not think about it much until you brought it up. The one thing I probably dislike more than Obama is BS propaganda about Obama. I'd rather have the truth please.