Yeah, this is a photo that just screamed to be faked.
Fred, don't try to confuse them with the facts.....their decisions are already made, similar to that they accuse you of.
There are two (2) rows of haybales, and the flag is erected between them, effectively hiding the support structure; looking at the corners one can observe some droop and/or overlap, indicating framework behind. Notice there is no wrinkling or excessive folding of the flag? - maybe was put up on a reasonably secure framework.
As to angles, the picture was clearly taken looking upward at the stage. If the joints in the planking on the stage are 4' - typical for a sheet of plywood or other flooring - the woman on the far right is anywhere between 8' and 10' away from the President - and with a small wide angle lens, as suggested above, would also heighten the visual effect of foreshortening and of altering, to some degree, the percieved angles of the shadows (holy crow...). Finally, the two extreme chairs (that's right and left) do not visually appear much different in size, nor do the haybales......meaning, maybe the woman on the right
really is just that short. Imagine that.
And, of course, all of this TOTALLY ignores the first photo, clearly the more offensive of the two. But then, that must have been photoshopped, too.
Short (pun intended) of having actually been there, all of this is BS and speculation. I would put a smiley here too, but just cannot seem to bring myself to that.