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Sorry for the delay in answering your questions. My MSD 6A is also mounted under the passenger footwell. I drilled a hole in the firewall above the footwell at mid dash level and ran my tach, distributor, and coil wires through this opening. After leaving the firewall, I ran my distributor leads between the intake manifold and valve cover directly to the distributor. I sleeved the two distributor leads into the insulation sleeving that is available through JC Whitney, which comes in black, red, or blue colors. It is suppoosed to have thermal quality protection to 1200 degrees. I also mounted my blaster coil on the engine side wall on the passengers side. I shoved the coil leads into the same wire loom which feeds the alternator from the Unique harness. The wire loom lead on Unique's harness that used to run to the coil and distributor is no longer used except for the tach wire which goes to the MSD 6A now, and the wire which goes to the ignition switch. I pulled out these two wires from the loom at the fire wall and then ran each of them to their respective connections(tach on MSD 6A and Igniton switch). I have had no problems whatsoever with this configuration and it makes for a very neat layout in the engine compartment. Running the two coil wires from the MSD 6A directly to the coil has been fine. As have the sleeved distributor wires directly to the distributor, and laying across the intake manifold, next to the valve cover. Did this answer either of your questions? If I need to clarify any of this, just send me a note.
Last edited by FIAFRED; 12-10-2001 at 08:05 PM..