Originally Posted by SP01715
.............. Brutal things happen in war, but like a true lib who has no first hand experience they would rather talk about it in their unicorn and rainbows theoretical world.
you actually don't know what you are talking about.
US Liberals with first hand (war) experience:
George Washington
John Adams
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Paine
Thomas Jefferson
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Ulysses Grant
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson
James Madison
James Monroe
Sen Ted Kennedy
George McGovern ( WW II )
Sen. Jim Webb (Vietnam)
Sen. Chuck Robb (Vietnam)
Sen. Tom Harkins (Vietnam)
Senator Daniel Inouye ( WW II, awarded Congressional Medal of Honor)
Representative Jack Murtha
Representative Daniel K. Akaka (WW II )
and many others, past & present, including my own brother, now deceased, who was a Vietnam vet.
it's no coincidence that most of the returning Iraq vets who are running for Congress are running as Democrats.
Happy Thanksgiving
Z. Ray