11-26-2009, 07:13 PM
Half-Ass Member
Join Date: Jun 2005
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #732, 428FE (447 CID), TKO600, Solid Flat Tappet Cam, Tons of Aluminum
Posts: 22,012
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Originally Posted by madmaxx
My SPF side pipes never leaked, my spf rearend never leaked, my spf emergency brake works, my spf never broke its windsheild go over some rail road tracks, my spf steering wheel does not dance like a cat on a hot tin roof at highway speeds, my spf doors and truck panels do not rattle and devleop rub marks all over the body, my spf coil springs are set at the same height, not one adjusted 1.5" more to get the car to set level.
You must be the "exception that proves the rule." The fact that your car has not experienced those problems is little solace to your brethren that have been plagued with them.