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The topic of welfare is very interesting. I think that people that really deserve welfare should be entitled to a decent amount on which to live. I said people that deserve welfare, that would be someone that has had a serious accident and can no longer work or someone that has a legitimate medical condition that makes it impossible for them to earn a living. Lazyness is not a legitimate reason in my books.
Unfortunately, far too many lazy people have found ways to get on welfare, and once on, there seems to be no way to get them off. Since the 60's, second and now third generations are on welfare. Kids grow up in a welfare environment and the minute they attain the necessary age limit, they apply and begin to receive their own welfare benefits. It is now virtually acceptable for lazy people to be on welfare for life. The rules have to be changed or this will just continue to grow until it bursts at the seams.
Don't get caught dead, sitting on your seat belt.