Originally Posted by Excaliber
Beck you say? While they may be some truth here in the article, I'll pass on watching Beck. The guys an idiot, out for ratings, period. He's right up there with the Enquirer for a news source. Surprisingly, even the Enquirer gets a good solid scoop once in awhile. Unlike Beck. 
So you say Beck's info is Bull$hit?
Last time I checked the last two Communist lovers that were employed by your President were dismissed because of Beck! If the info that Beck broadcast to the American public was a made up Fantasy you would think In that case the Pittbull sumbag lawyer employed by your President would have Beck in court by now?
I think it's amusing that Beck has a RED phone on his desk with a direct line to the Whitehouse that was never used when he's spewing all these lies and distortions? I think Beck has a little more creditability than you do...