Originally Posted by computerworks
Maybe to you.
Eating a 10-buck co-pay to perhaps save some real payouts in the future, or maybe even (gasp) save someone's life has nothing to do with Cobras.
Eat a $10. co pay or any other expense, is not part of any business model. Insurance companies have not been against preventive medicine for years. But they have to charge the PROFITABLE premiums to cover it.
The point, which evidently blazed through your wheelhouse, is that politicians are demanding that insurance provide more for less. That cannot happen in light of the FACT that all of your life and all of my life, insurance companies profits have been strictly regulated by the very same politicians. The profit PERCENTAGE of insurance companies is very small.
They make billions of dollars, but at a low percentage. Making many, many dollars can change to huge losses in a blink when the profit percentage is low. The politicians have made the insurance companies to be the bad guy, when it is the politicians that ARE the bad guys.