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So its OK with you liberal dreamers that the Gov. FORCE young people to buy health insurance. It follows that you won't mind if the Government Forces you to scrap your Cobras and ANY other cars and buy a Chevy Volt from Government Motors!
And, like ALL other Government programs, it will not work! Young people being forced to buy something they do not wish yo buy is not only UN-AMERICAN, but the additional income and much, much more will be used up by the over 100 new bureaucracies created. Government has no clue about saving money. A dozen Trillions in debt and spending $1.43 of every $1.00 in income is not the resume of a money manager.
There IS NO difference!
Must buy Government health insurance.
Must buy Government car.
Must buy Government milk.
Must buy Government bread.
Must buy Government clothes.
Must buy Government BALONEY!
Last edited by Dan40; 12-04-2009 at 09:32 AM..