Originally Posted by Excaliber
Dan40, you to easily jump to extremes! While it is a radical plan to "force" health insurance on the public I won't make the jump from there to "Gov Control" of every aspect of life.  Clearly a level of Gov control is REQUIRED for a stable economy and country. It's a necessary evil and no way will it please all the people all the time. Where to draw the line is the question!
Maricopa, would you suggest we scrap SS all together? What would you propose in it's place? Mandatory 401K plans perhaps? There is little question we need health care reform, the question is, what kind of reform and when will it happen? If we do nothing, the wall's will collapse.
You have bought into the liberal lie. Would the free market operate problem free? NO!!! But would it operate better than with Government control? YES!!!
Kindly remember that I am an Independent and have no trust for Dems or Repubs. This whole "Health Care Reform" bullsh!t is fueled, driven and kept alive by liberals. And both parties have liberals.
Here is the history** of the latest liberal attempt to take over, not reform, health care.
They started out claiming our health care was BAD. Supposedly TREATMENT was better in 47 countries. A lie!
Then they tried to claim that Doctors and hospitals were intentionally over charging all of us. Another lie!
Then they go with the claim that we MUST cover the 45, 46, 47 million that have no access to health care. The number in this country with no access to health care, including citizens, visitors, and illegals is ZERO. So another lie! More thought seems to have gone into this lie, but it remains a lie.
Now finally it is all about the horrible, unscrupulous insurance companies. They rage through the country pillaging and plundering their CUSTOMERS like Attila the Hun, according to the politicians that totally and completely CONTROL everything that insurance companies are permitted to do. So finally they find a convenient villain, its a lie too, but the public will swallow this lie.
So out of an unrelenting pack of lies and liars, they promise a wonderful, money-saving system. Fer Sur!
**HISTORY, the ultimate swear word to liberals.