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Old 12-08-2009, 03:47 AM
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So you know DON DID provide the MSO with a kit paid for in full. He sold many kits in phases, the MSO was not supplied until all three phases were paid for.

Leisure Industries, after buying CR's from Gary Rutherford retained the molds and jigs. Don then contracted with Leisure Industries to make the body's and frames. (?)

The little foil tag you speak of went by the way side years and years ago, but it too was not normally released until all three phases were paid for.

When the Bankruptcy was in full motion, record keeping went south. This is where A lot of guys tried to get an MSO for an un-paid for car/kit. Then they were caught in a very ugly "catch 22" didn't pay for all of the phases-NO MSO. Tried to pay for and accept the last of your car- NO parts!

If you have a full kit-and I am Jealous- wow, to build it or sell it? That is the question! Me? It has all come down to finances-reality, reality!

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