...yet another classic prevarication,
the ER is used by many for their Primary Care.
This is designed to miss lead folks away from the fundamental problem. Which is: Millions of American's lack Health Care or access to Health Care except in the most dire of conditions.
Indeed a small group, often comprised largely of illegal aliens, has no other choice but to use the ER for medical care. The cost of maintaining this kind of health care is off the chart! It is ONE of the fundamental reason's we need Health Care reform. In fact, it is ONE of the reasons for INCLUDING a way for illegal aliens to get health coverage of some kind!!!
But to suggest that any and all Americans have adequate health care "coverage" by virtue of a visit to an Emergency room is irresponsible. Another equally ridiculous claim, by the Republican party is that Democrats will "ration" health care. Now gimme a break, just how stupid is that statement? Fact is we DO and HAVE "rationed" health care for decades, if not centuries.