Originally Posted by Excaliber
Well there is the lie exposed for all to see, thank you bringing that up. Or should I say, thank you for sticking your foot in your mouth?
Health care, by law, is available at an emergency room when death is imminent. Until then, go home, prepare to die quietly, we'll see you on your "death bed".
Your new board name should be "Baghdad Bob." In addition to ALL ER's, the poor have Medicaid. Already funded by us taxpayers. And they have County Health Services, also free or paid according to their ability. And there are numerous State services. You know, from the States that are BANKRUPT!
Where in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights does it say we are our brothers keepers and MUST be so. I think you are mixing up church and state, something the liberals are dead set against,,,,,,,,,,unless they can use it to their advantage.
In addition to your new handle of "Baghdad Bob," you should be put in charge of the Space Program since you interpret Obum's numbers as UP. You could get us all to Mars in no time.
Could you explain how an overall approval of 46% and an overall DISAPPROVAL rate of 53%, translates into "up?"
And a "strongly approve' of him at 25% while 41% 'Strongly disapprove of his performance. He started at plus 65% just 10 short months ago.
Which way is that UP?
And the stock market is up because the Dollar is down. Thats the first taste of inflation, and about the only sweet taste inflation will deliver. It will become increasingly sour. But inflation is likely to come on very slow this time as the recovery will be equally slow and will happen in spite of monumental mistakes by the administration. All they are doing is slowing the natural recovery.