Originally Posted by Dangerous Doug
18 Farenheit?!?
And I thought I was brave heading out in the high forties...
I think the concern over global warming is not that it's happening, but that it's happening at an accellerated pace since we've been scientifically monitoring it.
Yes, the Earth goes through many cycles---and has been through several mass extinctions since it first formed (unless you're a "real conservative" and want to argue the "young Earth" argument---that Earth is only about 6k years old...). Probably responsible to be making sure we're not soiling our own nest and initiating our own mass extinction.
Meanwhile, I, too, say it's too cold for the Cobra. Even in "Sunny California".
Not so sunny this past week.
Things are looking up for later this week though.
Doug, when are going to start your tear down for paint?