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Never ridden in any of the three - I would like to have, but it looks like I will probably have the first ERA in Arkansas. I went with ERA because I wanted a Street Cobra and I wanted originality in all outward and cockpit area appearance. And as an engineer, I liked their frame, suspension and body design. I've followed them since 1980. Like the above post - I don't think your going to get out the door with a painted ERA roller for $40k. They just raised their prices $2,000 also.
Mine is ready to ship shortly after the first of the year. Then I can get busy.
You might want to look at Unique also. They were probably my close second. Their body looks great and the interior is reasonably faithful to the originals, but not nearly as close to original as the ERA. Chassis has IRS and looks well built. They have a long history (back to 1977 I think). If spot on originallity in the interior and under the hood isn't a big concern, you probably could get a painted roller out the door from Unique for $40k.