Originally Posted by somedayaurora
ITS funny we've all heard of SPF and CSX cutting prices and dealing But it seems as ERA is raising them , must mean something 
Originally Posted by kgs365
and people put up with a waiting list....that speaks volumes!...
Obviously ERA owners are stupider than the average bear. We pay more, wait longer, and buy something that most people have never even heard of. And we do this in spite of the fact that it would be much easier to buy something from one of the other manufacturers. Some of us are even extra-stupid. When I was up in New Britain I was so overcome with dumbness that I even offered to
pay Peter if he would just let me come work for him.

Now come on, you gotta admit that's pretty dumb. Peter probably should have just stopped me right there and said
"Sorry Pat, you're just too dumb to own a Cobra -- I won't build you one."