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Old 12-20-2009, 11:46 PM
Dan40 Dan40 is offline
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Originally Posted by Excaliber View Post
Serious question. Just trying to cut through the constant stream of hyperbole around here to get some actual realistic facts.

The latest BS hyperbole email cirulation AND CC posts concern Argentina. It's a stretch to compare the two countries, but it makes terrific "paranoid headlines" and feeds the needs of conservatives.

Then there are the comparisons to former administrations and great country men of yester year. FDR, Truman, Eisernhower, G.W. (that would be WASHINGTON not that other guy ). It's nostalgic to look back, but it's not like life was "that good" in the "good old days". Soup lines come to mind, murders over Union issues, stock market collapse, race riots, war's. Yeah, things were great in the "old days".

So what REALLY is feeding this conservative paranoia that the USA is headed toward socialism? Is it health care? Is it bailing out Wall Street? Is bailing out the Auto makers? Is it "Cap and Trade", Global warming, WHAT? OR is much of it just kicking the dog because the Republicans lost?

I still have faith in this country that all these various issues are going to be worked out within our "checks and balances" system.

I'm not saying everything is going to be fine, but give me a break. You'd think the country is about to be over run by some foreign power that will enslave us all. You know, it just aint that bad...

If history doesn't suit your ideals,twist it and ridicule it until it does suit your purpose.

Slowly, slowly, but finally, the country is learning that liberalism is the worst "ism" of all!