If you have experience registering/operating under SEMA style rules for replica vehicles (or the denial of them)
You feel inclined to pen an email relating your experience
I would really appreciate your help.
Here in the State of Victoria, Australia - the State Government operates a Club Permit Scheme (CPS) which allows, among other things, for vehicles constructed after 1930 and more than 25yrs old to be operated for a nominal fee- the operation of the vehicle is restricted to Club Events and the preparation for events.
The legislation that governs the CPS is the only part of the legislative framework that allows for replica vehicles, neatly wrapped up in the explanation
"... Vehicles which are replicas of vehicles in the above categories may also be issued with a club permit."
This web page that quickly and simply lays out the current rules and has a link to the proposed changes is:
Change (for the Good )
The scheme was started after lobbying from the Veteran and Vintage mob a long time ago.
This group now seeks to remove doubt about 'preparation' and to provide a greater measure of freedom by proposing a log book system (90 days p/a)
Change (for the Bad )
Along with this change is the proposal that replica's be 'exact' copies of the cars they are to replicate with regard to the chassis, engine and diff.
This proposal is generally in line with the sort of snobbish pedantry of Vintage owners that poo-poohs replicas and would rather that the grubby beastly things didn't exist. [I have spoken to representatives of the peak bodies seeking these amendments - on this subject - and can assure you that this is putting it mildly]
Notwithstanding my general inclination to bristle at the attitude, I dont see that any public policy position is served by this requirement and it appears to put at risk current builds, even if a phasing in period is enacted (knowing how long some builds take).
Because participation is only via a car club it is already possible for clubs (groups of like minded people) to set standard for
their club but it seems that there is an attempt underway for a particular viewpoint to be imposed across all participants.
What I Am Seeking
- an email
I am aware that several US states have language along the lines of the SEMA model legislation e.g. (from North Carolina)
'...Replica vehicles shall be titled as the year, make, and model of the vehicle intended to be replicated...'
Some of your experience with this type of legislative framework - good/bad bits/ what might be better would be great.
Also - I have asserted in my discussions with VicRoads (the govt authority) that the Cobra Community is an International Community and that there are generally accepted standards for what constitutes a replica and that the Australian community is generally in line with accepted practice. Any commentary you could provide to support this would be gratefully received.
thankyou in anticipation