Originally Posted by Got the Bug
I've heard that in California, you can file a claim if you experience damage to your car due to a pothole. Never tried it, but I know that the guy who covers the traffic in the San Jose Mercury (Mr. Roadshow) has answered a bunch of question on the subject.
My wife hit a pot hole on 101 in San Mateo, and we filed a claim with the State (I forget which agency) for the damage. However they denied the claim saying that they will only cover the repair to our vehicle if it was damaged by "the pothole" and if we previously reported "the pothole" to them to fix. Their position is that I needed to give them an opportunity to fix the pothole after reporting it. If they failed to fix it, and THEN it caused damage, then they would pay the claim. B*llsh*t, if you ask me - what a waste of energy of us to file such the claim.