Originally Posted by acindrich
I know man, that's phucking unbephuckingleivable! I mean, what the PHUcK! It's so phuckin' phucked up out there in them car dealerships. They phuck with every phucking thing. Phuck!
This is so fun - spelling phuk differently so no one catches it, like a moderator or someone, but everyone sounds it out the same way. I love cleavor sh!t like that. So fuq Irack! Phuckin phuckers.
wow... touched a nerve there. The intent is to not pull a fast one over the moderators but rather to be sensitive to thinned-skinned individuals who might be offended by harsh content in THE LOUNGE. Oh look, I've found one! I'd edit the subject if I could so moderators feel free to edit anything here. I guess I should have used "f**k" instead as that seems to be perfectly acceptable in any forum here. Oh what am I thinking.. fugoff.