Hi Bish, and thanks for caring... LOL
I have been around high performance stuff all my life, but even so , I shall be very careful to learn the feel and details of this car before pushing any limits. My brother was the first guy in the world to install a 500 horse 350 Chevy in a Toyota 4 x 4 truck, way back in about 1979 or so (I forget exactly when, it was just at the end of the 70s..lol) THAT was a scary rig, and I have some very funny stories about the *Sleeper* aspect of it, even including a (I am sure) VERY frustrated CA CHP officer who we never met, but must still be wondering *What the H*** WAS that!?! ( "Forget the transmission I just sent, base, I was hallucinating")
Looking forward to next summer, and meeting some of you guys and gals. My pic is attached, with my 2001 Mr. Max, some serious bike hardware in it's own right. It's a big pic, sorry