An Irishman, a German, and a Chinese guy go to the coal mine to get a job. They see the forman and he says "OK, you three can start right away". He takes them into the coal mine where he tells the Irishman, "you dig the coal out of the sides of the tunnel and into the bucket". He tells the German, "you hold the bucket under where the Irishman is digging and catch the coal as he digs it out". He tells the Chinese guy, "we go thru a lot of shovels and buckets here, so you are in charge of supplies"
The forman leaves and comes back hours later. He see's the Irishman digging away. He see's the German catching all the coal. But the Chinese guy is nowhere to be found. The forman asks the two guys if they know where he is. They tell him that they have not seen the Chinese guy for hours. So all pissed off, the forman starts to leave the tunnel when he see's something move in the corner. As he goes over to see what it is, the Chinese guy leaps out from behind some rocks with his arms in the air and yells "SUPPLIES!!!".
. . . . . .

I guess you had to be there.