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More than any war before it in modern times, this multi-front effort is about more than military might. We absolutely dwarf the military capabilities of every opponent in this fray, and have since the conclusion of the first round of strikes in Iraq.
Our massive superiority in equipment has basically gotten us nowhere and there is no sign that it - super-scopes and all - ever will. You DO remember Viet Nam, right? That was a difference in political ideologies and we had our techno-marvel asses sawed off and handed to us and never had any chance of any other conclusion. (Note that the Russians, with none of our "media problems" and no wussy shortage of determination, had exactly the same experience and outcome in Afghanistan.)
This is a war based on religious ideology, which makes one based on political ideology look like a high-school debate. If you don't grasp that we have to "win" on many levels other than how much lead and HE we can deliver, then I can see how you think the media is the enemy here.
= Si Opus Quadratum vis, angulos praecidere noli. =
Last edited by Gunner; 01-20-2010 at 12:20 PM..