Thread: Insurance?
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Old 01-24-2010, 06:24 PM
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Default Insurance?

Ok, with my Cobra finally about to hit the road, I will need to change my Shannons "laid up" insurance to full insurance.
I guess I will also need to up the value of the car.

It is currently insured at $45k as laid up (about 10% more than cost in parts, for incidentals and value increase).

What should I increase its value to?
Bearing in mind it is still in undercoat ect, I was thinking $70K?,
I get that by estimating 200 hours work at $90 per hour $18k, then adding 10% for incidentals and cost increases, also I saved the cost of engine and gearbox as these were free of charge, therefore not in the cost of parts at $40k.

I guess replacement cost would be higher again as I am sure the CR kit costs more now?

Do I need to specify I want to keep the wreck in case of write off?

Also I think some of you guys have switched to Lumley, how do I get in contact with them?

Lastly, what level of insurance should I get?
Should I go for limited use?
The reality is I will be using it alot (maybe not every day while it is 45 degrees and the sun would fry my brain before I got home each day) but I think it will be more than 2 times a week.
Is there a Klm per year figure they work off?

Then when it comes time for me to pay rego on Friday, what value do I put on it when they mention stamp duty? Obviously I want to pay as little as possible, but do the insurers "talk" to the MVR to see what value I put on it for stamp duty?

So excited - yet so confused.

Cruising in 5th

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