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Old 01-26-2010, 06:38 AM
elmariachi elmariachi is offline
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Originally Posted by dlampe View Post
My internet goes down for one day and there is already trouble on the play ground.
Agreed, the pissing contest doesn't really do anyone any good. I have seen this new frame prototype in person and while from a drawing perspective, one might assume the side post and footbox design is flimsy sheet metal, its not. The side posts were previously square tubing and were replaced in that area with 3/8" x 4" plate in order to afford more leg room. I am sure for those who would prefer the tubing over the single plate, you can order it that way. In my opinion, if I suffer an impact in the side the difference between the tube and the plate WILL NOT MATTER one bit. I'll take the additional leg room and in fact, an argument could be made in a light collision that I'd be better off because there could possibly be less intrusion into the leg area.

Originally Posted by patrickt View Post
And that is what I did. What'cha think?
You didn't ask me, but I think you sure spent a LOT of money on an ERA only to clutter it with zip ties.
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