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Emotions & $ Common Sense
For the last two-years, (actually longer I suspect), I have been looking at the various specialty constructed Cobras that are currently available. Please note my use of the term "specialty constructed (SPCN)", as this is the way my state of residence (California) refers to any Cobra roller (Factory Five to SPF to Kirkham to Shelby and with apologies to those manufacturers I did not mention). At the end of the discussion it is the same goat rope registration process for any of the above. Maybe this is the great equalizer in my current thoughts regarding value...just not sure.
To be honest, I seem to have migrated towards the Shelby and Kirkham end of this discussion (I am partical to the 289FIA version). This is not saying that they are any more an accurate reproduction (SPCN as defined by California) than any of the other brands mentioned. So at days end, using these two examples as a baseline, one could easily spend anywhere from $85k (low end) to as much as $135k to get one on the street. At the end of this effort, you would then have to go through the CA registration process.
Now here is where one needs to split the emotional discussion (I have wanted a Cobra for perhaps 30-years) from the $ Common Sense discussion. Would I ever expect my SPCN vehicle to either appreciate or hold its value over the short/long term. While I might hope that it would, I submit that the current economic situation we are seeing play out would not favor this outcome (whether they are registered in SAAC or not).
The next train of thought that is going through my mind is what kind of car I could I buy for that same $100,000 (nearest whole $ figure) without the hassle of SB100 (CA SPCN process). This choice would vary significantly from person-to-person, but the same kind of money would get you a 2001-2002 low mileage Ferrari 360 Modena (another car I have lusted after), absolutely the best example available of a 1974 Detamaso Pantera (yet another lust of mine/with money left over), and others.
Point I am trying to make here is that as car guys, it is very easy to let your emotion for a particular brand cloud your $ common sense. In perspective though, and going back to my earlier comment regarding the state of the economy, we should all be thankful that we still have the means to actually be thinking about stuff like this versus much more basic needs.