Originally Posted by Cobra Lite
For those of us who wonder...
I am guessing that Shelby used his screwdriver to cut Peter Brock out of the replica association. Even though Brock said there was no original lines in the new Coupe that he designed for Superformance. It was the car he wanted to build, better in every way than the originals.
Anyone know the details?
I hope Brock was well compensated as he is a truly nice guy and a very talented engineer. Unlike a certain very slick salesman who is a great guy, until you don't give him a percentage of your work. I wonder how many businesses CS has put out of business with his many lawsuits? Was AC the first? I seem to recall that he sued them when they continued selling Cobras after he stopped buying from them. That lawsuit cost them so much they could never recover.
I doubt that the Shelby lawsuit against AC killed them. I think Brian counter sued Shelby as well. I suspect that Brian trying to build his own brand new up to date car over-extended him and was one of the main reasons that killed AC. Ford owned part of AC and at some point, but pulled out too. I believe Brian was also riding an upswing in the price curve of his cars that was mimicking the price increase of original Cobras. And then his market went soft at the same time as a fall back in the prices of the original cars.