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We own 037, it is badged a Brock Coupe. That's what I refer to it as and what we purchased. We ordered it the week after the original was released from customs...when it was impounded, according to reports, by Shelby (man/company or both). That alone was enough for me to place an order. I have been informed by other persons, since, that it is now referred to as the Superformance Shelby Daytona Coupe, or some such long name. My understanding is that it was part of the deal that had Cobras made in SA and got the Shelby "endorsement" as well as the inclusion of the Coupes in the registry. I don't know, I don't have a new registry, and it won't alter my appreciation of the car one way or the other. If I sell it and that is of worth to the buyer, there you go. Mine is still the Brock Coupe and I have no intention of re-badging it... 12K and climbing. I declined, politely, a new Shelby tag, to eithere replace or supplement the existing one.
I can't vouch for any compensation that Badger may have received, but believe he was aware of negotiations, whether he was consulted or not.
In all honesty, when I got that BRE newsletter regarding the "dark side" powerplant made me shudder. Seems sacreligious.