I find this thread confusing. Why even ask the original question?
The original question: Whatever happened to the BROCK Coupe?
Not that history matters, apparently. Who cares what happened to the BROCK Coupe, then or now? Who cares what happened in the 60's with anything Shelby did, or even now? Who cares about ANY of the people that had anything to do with Shelby back then or now? Screw them, their history, their toast, this is now, that was then, lets move on already! Those history books about some old race car are worthless. Who gives a rip if GT-40's came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd at Le Mans whether it was 5 years ago or 50?
I'm so confused, why would people even care about some designer, from decades ago or now? OK then, I'm getting in my Volvo(worlds safest car they tell me) and motoring away smoothly to reduce my carbon footprint and save the bunny rabbits.