Originally Posted by mattpatt
I'm in Southern Cal. I'm seriously considering getting an SPF Cobra in thenext few/several months and will be stronglyconsidering "used". But I do want the passenger roll-bar. Just need to know my options and costs, etc.
Matt, you can do almost anything with these cars. Pencil-in two grand or less for a passenger side roll bar. You know, I've noticed in the last two years a distinct increase in the preference for dual roll bars in these cars.
And what's nice, you can always just unbolt one, or both, and pull them out and fit the holes with a rubber grommet plug -- then put them back in, pull them back out, all to suit your mood. You could even have custom hole-plugs fabbed that will match the body and stripe colors. Take it from me, dual roll bars are where it's at.