Sunday jan 31, update;
Well, we may be over the hump;
Here is a 24 hour phot update and progress report.
My day started at sat 7 am. building a fire in the back room and getting shop cleaned up. Craig showed up at 8 am. We swept and took all extra stuff out of the shop, here is detailed update;
9am sat; We began to finish taping off the car, here are some pictures of what it looked like at 9am.
9 am sat;
you can see my filter system on the fans, the filters are more to keep the bugs and dirt from coming in more than filtering the overspray out,
here is another shot of car, you can see we covered up the shelf in background rather than taking it out of room and we still need to finish masking.
Here are the pictures at 11 am on saturday;
finished the masking of car to the floor, not allowing overspray under the car, as well as it not allowing any possible dust from under the car coming out onto the paint job
another 11 am shot, the doorway with the filters will filter some particles coming into the paint booth, plus in this room behind the filters is where the wood burning stove is located, this will preheat the air so when we turn on fans the air coming into shop will be warm already to maintain a reasonable temperature. you will also see two air hoses, we used two paint guns at once, craig painted the driver side of the car while I painted the passenger side. this way we should be able to keep all paint going on to a wet surface to possibly eliminate as much orange peel as possible.
craig is still masking up stuff, we have spent tons of hours making the underside neat and finished, we do not want it messed up with paint getting thru
Sat at 7 pm photos;
we now have sprayed the sealer, sprayed the stripe color and finally gotten the masking for stripes done, I will admitt those stripes kicked our butts good, we both underestimated how long it would take to actually get them on and ready for body color.
craig is tacking off the car getting ready for the body color;
sat 10 pm report, we now have 14 hours already in the day of paint, we have finally gotten the body color on and waiting to remove stripe tape and paper for clearcoat;
sunday 1am update;we are now on the 17th straight hour since we began this phase.
Sunday 9am, yes we did get to bed, but I did not relax that good, just wanting to really make sure we did an adequate job and wanting to see if the gremilins came in during the nite and attacked the project.
we got a couple sags on the clearcoat, nothing really bad, and no real bad dirt nibs, we were afraid of bugs, we were killing them all nite in the shop, but fortunately not one single bug got in the paint.
I have taken most of the day off, only removed some paper and took a few photos, and mainly today was tylers birthday party, he came out to chek out the new paint and of course liked it, but I have a bone to pick with Riley the other helper, the other nite he called it a 'girlie' car because it was pink. But what does a 6 year old really know.
We feel this was a major hurdle, of course still lots to do, and still block sanding the clear and hours of buffing and polishing yet to finish the paint.
If you ever get a quote for anything less than 5K for someone to paint your cobra, I suggest you jump all over it before the ink dries on the quote. Every Cobra painter and builder is now my idol.
stay tuned as we are on the countdown, just 2.5 weeks to total finish.