Woulded you know it. Have not posted in a yr. and this is one breakfast I would have like to come too!
I to have Arntz/Bulter in pieces.(that's one frame & two bodys) The frist one I ever saw was at the Oakland Roadster Show in 1976. Called him up and drove all the way to Sebastopol, CA to his mother's place (lived in Hayward) long drive that nght. Someone posted that he is working on a Track car, Funning thing is he was working on one then that was to cool had 454ci DOHC Mosser motor in it and the frame in one word WOW.
Anyway the guys with Arntz cars are they going to have another
meeting with him?
A newbe wanted to know the safest cobra kit build. It was and is the Arntz with the front & rear hoops and the 2x5 door beams mounted with OEM parts
You guys with BACO where & when do you meet?