We keep having this conversation. I think the next line in the script is to point out that any sudden cutoff of the engine is likely to startle the driver, and if it's a time when an
oil pressure failure would be most catastrophic, it's likely at a time the mill is wound up pretty tight and thus the driver may not WANT to be distracted.
Such systems can also fail - meaning a sudden cutoff when it's completely unexpected. Automatic cutoffs are more for stationary motors (like generators) and marine use (where the loss of go-power is not so immediately distracting or likely to cause loss of control).
Cutting off the engine also doesn't stop its rotation if the clutch is still engaged, so it's likely to spin quite a few more revs before the driver can react.
I cast a permanent vote for a warning intended to get the driver to react as quickly as possible, without actual operator interference.