I'm about 65% into the completion of my MKIII (3.1). I love the look of the new model, and it's improvements, (although untested), they would be nice to have.
The number of people in the world who
really know the originals, and what is authentic, and what is not, is limited to a small core group of Cobra junkies. The "Is it real?" question, that is asked of every replica owner over and over, is proof of that. The true Cobra buff would never ask. They would be looking for build quality, perhaps custom mods the builder incorporated, engines used, etc., knowing full well it's a replica.
Less and less I see replicas that are built to look authentic. In the early days of replicas, builders struggled to get the
original look down pat. Today the builds are about what the owner personally wants in his car, be it wild paint schemes, custom interiors, stereo systems, and fancy mag wheels, etc..
Am I disappointed I don't have the new MKIV...I really don't expect I will ever think about what my trunk lid/hinges looks like, when I'm out cruising. The joy of driving is what these cars are all about in my mind.