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additional pics
bottom of the bg carb, and all three carbs together.
looks like they all have plenty of adjustability and differences such as emulsion location and sizing. the justus carb has holes drilled in all the butterflies, the pro systems has holes drilled in the butterflies on the primary side only, the bg has no butterflies holes drilled. the justus carb is square jetted with pv caps on both blocks, i'm surprised there were no jet extensions. the pro systems carb was jetted different front to back with pv in front, bg was again square jetted with pv front and back. the bg is the rr 850 version, the pro systems was ordered for the jbl, the justus was bought used and presumeably for a "sporty" vehicle, not sure.
Last edited by vector1; 02-06-2010 at 09:37 AM..