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I tried to find your carb in my Holly book it didnt show up. If your carb was professionally rebuilt. The floats should be set very close to factory. turn ignition key on and let fuel pump pressurize lines,if you have a mech pump start motor and let it run till warm shut off and with air cleaner removed shake car side to side if floats are too high you will see fuel drip out of carb into motor. If you want a real test of carb take car out run it up to 5k or 6k put in clutch remove foot from gas pedal let car coast to stop remove a few plugs and see if there light brown black or wet or too clean if too clean your running lean if really dark your too rich. also after you have driven car for a long distance put your finger inside cool exhaust outlet and see if soot is dry and grey black if so you are probably at a good setting.usually floats are set from top of carb and small screw on side of carb is low speed idel mixture 1 1/2 to 2 turns from full in should work at low speed. good luck Larry s