Originally Posted by onefastace
Thanks guys. It's leaf springs for the rear end. I'll know more once I see the car.
Ok, well at least there's a possibility that a solid rear axle option might work.
The problem with solid rear axles is that you have a problem getting enough suspension travel with the necessarily very short driveshaft. If you're careful enough with the driveline angles and are prepared to pay very close attention to u-joint maintenance and wear, you should have no problems.
Longitudinal leaf springs are about the worst way to attach a rear unit, but there are many options to replace that with a better-engineered trailing-arm unit with coil-over shocks. That should fall within the original owner's concept even if he chose the easier route originally.
Nothing, IMHO, can replace a well dialed in IRS. But a good solid axle setup can be more than good enough.