Originally Posted by blykins
That's why all my customer engines get roller cams. I don't have to mess with this crap.....or cam break-in's. For the extra $200-300, you bypass the worry and get a little more power to boot.
It's actually kind of fun sending your
oil sample off and waiting for the test results to see if you have an abundance of iron from a slowly wiping lobe. It takes you back to the days when the exam results would be posted up in the hallway of the school... ahhh, that trepidation, that anticipation; yep, it adds to the mystique of owning a solid flat tappet cam. No matter what
oil you use, or what additive you mix in, you just never know what those
Zinc/Phos numbers are going to be until you get that little PDF report from the lab. Yessirreee, I love it.