Over the years I've been "all over the map" trying to decide what I wanted my car for, and didn't settle on the current configuration until about 2 years ago.
I find highway driving fairly boring and road race course driving thrilling. I even lost an engine while doing that! But, during the 16 years of driving it, the road course at Summit Point and Mid-Ohio were the most fun. I actually don't do much track driving, but my suspension and drive train are set up as though I do. It let's me pretend to be something I'm not, but driving these cars is pretty much a pretend or wanna be thing for a lot of us!
My 9" independent rear is a 3.70 to 1 ratio. My cam is a fairly aggressive solid roller and begins to settle in at 3,000 rpm. When I'm constant speed driving I get better fuel mileage at 3,500 rpm than at 2,500. I think I'm at about 3,500 rpm at 65 mph. While in 4th gear, going from 65 to 90 is kinda like a blink of the eye.
Consider your variables and talk to a few folks. You'll get some good recommendations from the guys on this site. You'll find your niche!