update: thursday nite: 84 days down, 6 days to setup day.
Craig polished the car again twice, once with the polish, and then with final glazing. it is looking good, we got trunk painted, installed license plate lite and holder, I went over entire car checking torque on all bolts. then installed a few more wire holders to wires will stay nice and neat under the car. then I touched up most all the paint on underside.
My last crew member finally showed up, actually she has been out to help a few other times but I did not have the camera. jillian my 11 year old granddaughter came out to help for a few hours. I put her in trunk to make last adjustment to deck lid and secure the bolts. then she spent some quality time getting to know my wheel buffing machine.
I then got all the tires on the car and took it off the jack stands, first time sitting on ground with the correct tires and as a complete car.
it seems to be sitting about an inch too low in rear as compared to the front. I think the screws jacks will take care of that and still have plenty of tire under the wheel well.
We managed to get almost the entire punch list gone thru. Tomorrow should be last day on the car except installing the review mirror when it arrives.
Just maybe the sun will shine tomorrow and we can get an outside pix.