Originally Posted by henrik
It is Sterling grey... the one color you would NOT consider
You are waisting our time - we try to help... you claim to have been looking everyday for 6 years - BDR the last 18 month... yet your comments are all over the place.
Buy a toycar if you can afford it - and ask your questions in an other forum
Thanks Henrik, you'll be on my special list
Nothing like tough love, I guess you really care about me.
You're just damn lucky you bought 602 in the first several days she was on the market. That was a steal of price... I saw the car late.
"Waisting our time" -- well, I've been watching the sales for all that time (probably over 9 years now). Don't click my post if you don't want to read. I have yet to figure out exactly what engine I want although I am pretty sure it's a 351W or larger... and I'm debating what to compromise on. The one on ebay has the same paint scheme as the one in Jay's place, so if I like the paint when I see it in person, I may consider getting a Roush engine for even less.
Thanks to everyone who's provided helpful info. For all others who want to pad their ego, don't bother posting.